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I only have one colour besides from black and white in my home


Jonas Hecksher, founder of playtype holds a degree from The Royal Danish Academy of Fine Arts and The School of Design and Ecole supérieure d'arts graphiques et d'architecture in Paris, where he specialized in graphic design and typography design.

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In your eyes. What is good design?

Jonas // The Danish pavement. It is two-laned as a real road. It is the only place in the World, where the pavement has been designed this way. In my Wold that is genius!


ASIS // How do you integrate colour into your home?


Jonas //  I only have one colour besides from black and white and that is Hecksher Red which is named after me. It is a vibrant and fluorescent red. Very strong in its expression. I like it.

You are one of Denmarks most experienced and accomplished typeface designers. In terms of Type Design. What do you think we will see more of in the coming years?

I like the classical things the most. But with a twist. It is hard to say what the future will bring. But something that I have noticed through my many years working with type design is, that everything comes back at some point. Like in fashion. The mega trends tends to return, but in a revitalized and contemporary form.

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@playtype is a type foundry situated in the heart of Copenhagen, Denmark

For more than twenty years Playtype has been creating retail and custom-made typefaces for global businesses.

Typefaces that capture voice, personality and imagination, while altering perception of a brand or product. With a distinctive focus on usable typography, our goal is to create type that balances both aesthetics, astuteness and function.


A Seat in Siena’s webpage is set in Berlingske Sherif.

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